15 Ocak 2016 Cuma


"The number one benefit of information technology and internet (TI) is that it empowers people to do what they want to do. It lets people be creative. It lets people be productive. It lets people learn things they did not think they could learn before, and so in a sense it is all about the potential." said Steve Ballmer. As can be seen, technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes while internet is the practical part of technology which moves them related. In other words, technology and Internet can be considered as the two sides of the same coin that they cannot be seperated. Both of them have brought  a revolution in the modern World and they have made the World global village. Without the progression of TI, our World would be slow-paced. We can take from many examples in health and health industry, source of faster communication and information.Also taking upon the fruition of encouraging innovation and creativity takes a huge role in our society.
       First of all, technology and Internet have changed health and health industry and play a crucial role in all around the worldTI is also becoming advanced and designed to make our health industry more convenient. For instance, you have better and more accessible treatment, because TI gives opportunities to open up many exploration and research that allows doctors or experts to make healthcare more effectively. Furthermore, the use of TI have made patient care safer with high-technology equipments, so doctors can detect your cure easily. Another thing is that patients can use TI with some mobile applications in the healthcare sector to learn their personal health information. For example, they can control their daily sleep patterns, count calories, research treatment options and even monitor their heart rate. Therefore, thanks to the continuous development of technology and Internet in the health industry, countless lives have been saved and technological innovations in the medical field continue to provide doctors or experts with new ways to improve the quality of their patients'care and improve the global healthcare.
          The second benefit of technology and Internet is the source of faster communication and information. The web is at the heart of many ways in communication and information. It makes things in life faster and more efficient. For instance, you can search everything about what do you want to know, you can find and read many documents, books, news. You can keep in touch with family or do business with colleagues. Moreover, you can hold everything you need to palm of your hand thanks to mobile phones with applications,such as, finding and booking hotel, checking in to your flights, paying the bills, searching for jobs.Another key area is that TI have an enormous effect on social networking. Social networking is all about sharing and it provides you to share your moments with photos, thoughts,videos and more. It gives you many opportunities communicate with people more quickly and more often in various social networking sites,such as, Facebook and Twitter. As can be seen, technology and Internet breakdown barriers of distance and helps to make you more connected in communication and information.
        Last but not least, the third benefit of technology and Internet is encouraging innovation and creativity which help us to build new ways of thinking or doing something. TI allows for the development of online working, so you can do your own business while you stay at home. For instance, you can use various websites to sell products, or you can create new projects and share with other people on the Internet easily. Furthermore, you have the capability to create higher quality ideas in less time thanks to TI, because TI gives opportunities to find many sources for your development such as, online books, training and career courses, documentaries, materials and more. Moreover, effiency and productivity take place in our lives through the use of TI. For example, farmers use TI to produce more food and they also use TI to develop agriculture  and create facilities for animals. There is no doubt that TI helps for the improvement of innovative and creative things and TI moves us, our country and our world forward.
       To put in a nutshell, TI is similar to a spider web which covers every part of our lives. Spider webs have a spectacular view and they have different purposes to attract,capture or store spiders'preys.TI also use the same method to gather and present information to people in great ways.When the webs of TI begin to grow, they affect and surround many sections in the World, like health and health industry, the source of faster communication and information, encouraging innovation and creativity.As far as I'm concerned that health is the golden key of all these locked areas and health industry is on the cutting edge of which is quite improving many sources to make our lives more convenient. TI is required to increase the quality of life and health but do not forget the best ideas always come from healthy minds.
by Hilal Demir 1st year ELT Student @ Erciyes University

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